Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chapel Hill Morning

As you know, Richard is on night float...which makes for an interesting schedule as far as getting to spend time with him. He was feeling good Tuesday morning so we packed the kids up and headed to Chapel Hill. We went to Suttons for breakfast (we were there before 8 am, I might add). Above you will see MA gazing lovingly at Daddy.

After breakfast we decided to take a stroll through campus, the kids did not want to to hold mom's hand AT ALL.

We basically made it to Silent Sam and then the kids took off running around to tree after tree and in circles. They had a blast.
And then we took a rest on some steps before heading home. It was such a great morning and a special way to spend time with Dad. It really made me miss Chapel Hill and want to go back. But, you can never go back. I only hope the twins have the opportunity we did to spend four years at that wonderful school!
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