Thursday, January 12, 2012

from 2 to 3 soon!

This picture was taken right after we moved this summer. I don't have many pics of me and the twins - esp recently as I do not like to be photographed pregnant.

I am actually having difficulty importing photos from my camera to my mac - hope it is the camera and not the mac bc the mac would be waaaay more expensive to replace than the camera. And it is good to know if my camera isn't working now, rather than when #3 comes and we want to take oodles of pictures.

We are so excited about #3. My family and a few close friends took bets on when the baby would be born. There were a few random January dates and mostly February dates. I am betting on my birthday:-).

Finally we have our crib set up (in our bedroom because there just isn't room anywhere else in the house) thanks to my fabulous mom who came down Sunday night and helped me go through what I have and wash everything (even my regular clothes!).

As we get closer, I get more and more nervous about how we are going to go from 2 to 3 kids. My guess is that the twins will get slightly less attention, but the baby will basically just have to be "flexible" and cry. Eeeek. Not my preference for sure.

I am also nervous because naptime seems to be going away. Since the twins share a room and pretty much don't sleep in a pack n play anymore, I have had trouble separating them at naptime. We have tried many things including putting MA in my room which worked wonderfully until the plummer came on Monday and scared her to death (now she won't set foot in there by herself). We also tried putting Woodson in there - I never did quite trust him by himself in there and turns out for good reason. Yesterday naptime began with a call to poison control. Everything was quiet and serene waaaay too quickly. I popped my head in just to "check" and lo and behold Woodson was standing there eating tums. I have no idea how many he ate. Thats what they ask when you call poison control. And I am like, if I knew when he started he wouldn't have eaten the 1! Here is how the convo went:

Poison Control ("PC"): How many were originally in the bottle?

Me: 96

PC: How many are left?

Me: 46

PC: Well did he eat 50?

Me: Noooo, my husband has acid issues and so do I. I have no idea how many he ate. I wasn't watching him bc he was supposed to be napping. If I knew how many he ate, I wouldn't be calling.

Turns out she said if he ate 25 we need to go to the ER if he ate 5 to 10 we are fine. I feel quite certain he ate somewhere between the 5 and 10 because I never wait too long when it gets quiet too quickly. So I decide to just "watch" him and hope for the constipation they say is coming from too much calcium intake by a toddler.

Mom of the year...
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1 comment:

  1. 1 - YOU are hysterical!!!
    2 - OMG - Sweet Baby and the Tums...I'm glad to hear that you didn't have to head to the ER. :)
    3 - We are so excited for numero tres to arrive. The suspense is killing me!
