Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

I recognize I have been behind in the picture department. But lets be honest. I am not only busy but very tired. I have two 2.5 year olds who DEMAND my attention on most days and as of Valentines day, I was 40 weeks pregnant. I am now 40 weeks and 1 day. But who is counting? My mom always had a little treat waiting for us in the morning on the smaller holidays (not food - because sweets turn all children into little demons) so I thought I would continue the tradition. The twins woke up to some "musical" toys - a recorder (which I hope breaks - is that bad?) and microphones. I guess I was in a hurry when I got them because I PURCHASED a broken one for Woodson. I had no idea until he opened it up and told me "mommy mine is broken". Ooops. Back to Target for a non-broken toy. They had fun opening their surprise gift. We had a full day of swim lessons, a valentines day party (where they got....SUGAR!) and a trip to CFA. My valentines day gift was my mom! She came on Monday and left on Tuesday afternoon. But she got me through CFA during the sugar meltdown. There is always a sugar meltdown afterwards. MA and Woodson did not want to leave, but the main culprit was MA. She was doing the dead weight thing and I literally could not lift her. Mom carried her kicking and screaming to the car. I don't think MA knows it yet, but she was barking up the WRONG tree. JJ doesn't mess around. So we waited for MA to calm down and realize she was not going to win before we could get her into her car seat. Not sure what I would have done if mom wasn't there:-).
Here is the update on me: I am trying every wive's tale known to man. As I sit here, I am eating fresh pineapple and I just took (against Richard's wishes) some Black Cohosh. I'll be induced next Tuesday if all else fails.

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