Thursday, June 7, 2012

He Did It!

 Woodson may kill me one day for this picture, but it is seriously too cute not to post.  We LOVE Thomas the Train and Percy.  This happens to be Percy.  Richard and I hate Percy because when Woodson says Percy it sounds like something else...which doesn't belong on this blog....I digress.

PMO was closed Monday so we just went for it. Woodson is so proud of his big boy pants and has wanted to potty train for a while, I just haven't had it in me.  He also happens to be in his shirt that is "like Michael's".  I am not sure where he got it from, but every time he wears it, he says he looks like Michael:-)  It is pretty cute.  

We stayed at home and MA wore her "princess" dress (below) and danced around in it all day telling Woodson that she was already potty trained and that she didn't wear diapers anymore.  Ironically, tonight while Richard put the kids to bed (while I ran some errands by myself...gasp!) MA duped him into thinking she NEVER wears a diaper.  She told him that they were BOTH potty trained and DID NOT wear diapers to bed.  She was so convincing he let them both go sans diapers.  WHAT???!!!!  NEVER do I EVER let them go to bed without diapers. Richard had to sneak back in and put diapers on them while they were sleeping. He was too late for Woodson (sigh) but maybe there is some truth to MA's statement regarding her ability to make it through the night.  I'm just not ready to take that leap of faith yet.
 AND back to school today.  Mercer Anne has taken to picking out her own clothes.  A woman after my own heart, she loves polka dots.  She didn't get the "how to wear it memo" and we are lucky the fashion police didn't pick her up:-)
 EG has grown into her "office" and plays their for about 10 minutes at a time - I got the best smile ever in the last picture!!!

Happy Birthday Uncle Mike - we love you!


  1. Way to go Woodson!!! And way to go Morgan. You are supermom...I don't know how you manage it all!
    The girls wear big girl underwear during the day and are still in pull ups at night. We've been doing this since January. Ruby rarely has accidents, but CA is another story. At least one accident a day for her. My mom laughs and tells me not to worry, they'll have it down before kindergarten. Agh!!

    1. Julia - I'm so impressed with the girls already being in their big girl undies! The twins will be 3 in a month - yours are way ahead of the curve!!!

  2. Plaid is a good look. I'm taking his "like Michael's" comments as a compliment. Thanks for the Birthday wishes!
