Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dare I blog?

Yes - It has been a very long while.  Almost so long I thought I may abandon my pet project.  I have wanted to check on my blog but I don't because I get embarrassed thinking about how long it has been.  I mean, sometimes I feel like my blog is that person that called me 4 months ago, and then I waited a week, but felt shy because it took too long so I waited longer and then so long I could no longer attempt to return the call and just had to pretend I never received it in the first place:-)  Yes, I have done that - I am hoping I am not the only one!

But I miss it.  I really, really, really miss it.  Why, you ask?  Well it is how I "express myself" - similar to how a nursing mom would express milk - I GET IT OUT OF MY SYSTEM.  Tonight was such a lovely failure, I thought it was a fitting re-entry.

Above, Halloween 2012.  MY little nuggets.  Woodson - the sweet but sometimes fiery dinosaur, MA the princess with a 'tude and EG - well, sweet little unicorn (?) who will not play 3rd fiddle.

Yes my dearies.  When I heard myself screaming "CLEAN UP THE PLAYROOM" for the 7th time in an angry man's voice (possible? very), I thought, "I am losing it."  Here is the scene:  Woodson is crying about a balloon someone gave him Friday morning and I popped and threw away behind his back Sunday (its Tuesday people), EG is naked scooting on the floor and crying because I am screaming at Woodson to stop crying and clearly only making it worse. MA is sassing me explaining she doesn't like cleaning up.  MA goes to time out twice and cries while she is in the laundry room (new time out location because there is nothing to play with) and as I tell her, you can come out when you are ready to help clean, she sobs, but I DONT LIKE CLEANING!!!  What?!  And I do??  UGH.  Then I make the mistake of throwing W's black play dough in the trash bc I can't find the jar and the trash is just closer - he loses it.  MA decides to come out and when I turn around W is dumping the very full trash can on the ground to recover the pieces of the black play dough.  This is my life.

After putting the kids to bed I pour myself not one, not two, not three but four....wait for it...bowls of cereal (not wine - but should have been) scarf them down like I am starving (I'm not) and resolve to return to my one true love.  My blog.  Get ready to listen because man do I feel better already!


  1. We need a playdate again soon...with wine :)

  2. I hope you continue to post. Reading the blog definitely makes my day whenever there's a new post!

    1. positive reinforcement! It is on my to-do list to make it happen more often!
