Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ok!  Here she is!  Walking all over the place now:-)  So precious.  She is so proud of herself.

Gosh - the past week has been busy - Richard was MIA with work so we were on our own. We were glad to see him on Saturday afternoon - finally!  We didn't do much, but we did hit up Duke Gardens on Sunday morning. No pictures, of course.  But it was beautiful!  I highly recommend if you are ever in Durham to make a stop there.  We are thinking of doing a picnic with the kids next weekend - and now that we aren't newbies - we will come prepared with snacks, a blanket and a port o potty for our dear Woodson who drinks more liquid than I do - which is saying a lot!

I have felt like my Grandmother Rowe a lot in the past two weeks.  I get to the end of the day and if I can say "MADE IT", it was a good day:-)  Ready for tomorrow and all of the sweet hugs and kisses as well as the yelling, attitude and sometimes brute force trauma from all of my babies.



  1. I love how she goes straight for the camera and grabs it!

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