Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Marbles Museum in Raleigh

Friday we met Emily and Conley (their husband/dad is a second year ortho resident at Duke) at Marbles Museum in Raleigh. It was actually pretty affordable as museums go, $5 per person and then we paid $5 for parking, so a grand total of $20 for the three of us. We rarely do things that cost money so I felt like it wasn't too bad. The museum was pretty much like a giant playground. Once the field trips and big kids got there around 1030, it was a little hard for the twins to play. But for about an hour we had free roam. Above is Woodson driving a bus, below the twins found a motorboat.

There was also an area to dress up and we chose to dress up like firemen and drive the ambulance to the nearest hospital to visit dad. They are AWESOME drivers, especially with their hats falling down over their eyes! Then we headed to the water station which surprisingly was not that interesting to anyone. Of course when we walked away I realized MA was carrying about 4 or 5 ducks so we had to go back and explain the ducks were not ours and they belonged in the water. There were many other stations, including one where you threw balls into a giant pig that was suspended in air. Once enough balls got into the pig, his belly opened up and all of the balls fell on your head. Guess who was standing under the pig to figure that one out? You got it, I was. So fun. Next time I will go at 9 instead of 9:30 so we can have more big-kid free time. It takes 45 minutes to get there so I doubt we will be regulars, but I can guarantee we will make at least one more trip this year.
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