I am so thankful for my two smart, beautiful/handsome, sweet, loving children. They have been blessed with health and families that love them. I pray that our third child will also be healthy and happy. I have been reminded over the past week that not all children and families are so lucky.
A friend of ours in Texas who was due a week after me delivered sweet Charlotte Rose on Friday, February 3rd. She had been diagnosed with Turner's Syndrome and a hypoplastic left heart (spelling?) while she was in utero. They have known this would be a struggle, but watching them walk through the past week has really torn at my heart. Charlotte had heard surgery on Wednesday and has been fighting for her life since then. I cannot imagine the challenges this little girl faces and the heartache her parents are going through. I ask that we all take a moment to pray/meditate/think about (whatever it is you do!) for this little girl and that she be given the strength to fight for her life and that her parents be given peace in their hearts that all that can be done, is being done. You can follow her story by clicking on the link at the right, "Heart of Hope" or here.
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