Saturday, May 31, 2014

Letting go of facebook for the summer.

 It is officially summertime and I am officially deleting facebook from my phone for the next 3 months.  I spend too much time looking at my phone and these guys are way too cool:-)  I would hate to miss out on summer fun because I was addicted to comparing myself to other families rather than enjoying the one I have.
 We tried out the JCC pool in Asheville yesterday.  We spend 45 minutes on the side of the pool waiting for the "thunder" to stop (there was no thunder, I think just lazy lifeguards) and 15 minutes swimming.  But the children were satisfied so I was as well.  They didn't even seem to mind the wait...
 This morning Mercer Anne woke up sick so she stayed in bed all morning, ugh.  But since she was sick I felt obligated to entertain them by opening up one of their "crafty" birthday presents.  Friendship bracelet making sets...dun, dun, dunnnnn.  They come with these foam circles that are supposed to help, but seriously, I didn't get it.  So we went old school with the knot tying method.  They bored within 5 minutes and are onto painting but they expect me to finish them, of course.  They turned out really badly.  No picture evidence...
Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad you are back blogging. Love reading about your adventures in parenting. xoxo
