Wednesday, September 21, 2011

sick & cookies

MA dancing to YoGabbaGabba before school Monday morning
My usually very spunky, never tired little girl woke up this afternoon puny as can be with a fever. It was weird because Woodson is the one with a cold. But I knew something was wrong when I put her down for a nap and didn't hear a peep. When she woke up she felt warm but the giveaway was the crying when I put her down for snack. All she could do was lay on the couch this afternoon snuggled in her blanky:-(.
MA Playing in her only "warm" clothes that fit over the weekend
Mercer Anne's illness was a major downer for Woodson.  His attention span for a movie is about 15 minutes.  He needs to play and/or be entertained by mom. So we had planned to all make cookies for Marge/Nana (who is also very sick) but MA just didn't feel up to it.  Its a good thing because one two year old cook is about all I could manage today.  Woodson did what any good boy would do, dump out all of the toppings immediately.

To salvage what I could we decided to roll the dough in the topping and put them on a new cookie sheet.  These cookies do NOT taste good.  Woodson and MA both had a test drive (woodson had two - one of which I had a bite) and ate the whole thing.  I have no idea how.  We will still give them to Nana, but Nana better watch out, she might break a tooth!
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1 comment:

  1. Poor Baby MA! I hope she is back to her old self soon. I'm crying over here from the pics and your commentary of the cookie-making. TOO funny.
